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WCF - Interview Questions
What are the features and advantage of WCF?
Features of WCF
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a secure, reliable, and scalable messaging platform for the .NET Framework 3.0,
* Service Orientation
* Interoperability
* Multiple Message Patterns
* Service Metadata
* Data Contracts
* Security
* Multiple Transports and Encodings
* Reliable and Queued Messages
* Durable Messages
* Transactions
* AJAX and REST Support
* Extensibility

Advantages of WCF
* Service Oriented
* Location Independent
* Language Independent
* Platform Independent
* Support Multiple operation
* WCF can maintain transaction like COM+ Does
* It can maintain state
* It can control concurrency
* It can be hosted on IIS, WAS, Self hosting, Windows services.

It has AJAX Integration and JSON (JavaScript object notation) support.
* WCF can be configured to work independently of SOAP and use RSS instead.
* WCF is one of the fastest communication technologies and offers excellent performance compared to other Microsoft specifications.
* To improve communication, transmission speed needs to be optimized. This is done by transmitting binary-coded XML data instead of plain text to decrease latency.
* Object life-cycle management and distributed transaction management are applicable to any application developed using WCF.