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Java Springs - Interview Questions
What are the features of Spring Framework?
* Spring framework follows layered architecture pattern that helps in the necessary components selection along with providing a robust and cohesive framework for J2EE applications development.

* The AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) part of Spring supports unified development by ensuring separation of application’s business logic from other system services.

* Spring provides highly configurable MVC web application framework which has the ability to switch to other frameworks easily.

* Provides provision of creation and management of the configurations and defining the lifecycle of application objects.

* Spring has a special design principle which is known as IoC (Inversion of Control) that supports objects to give their dependencies rather than looking for creating dependent objects.

* Spring is a lightweight, java based, loosely coupled framework.

* Spring provides generic abstraction layer for transaction management that is also very useful for container-less environments.

* Spring provides a convenient API to translate technology-specific exceptions (thrown by JDBC, Hibernate or other frameworks) into consistent, unchecked exceptions. This introduces abstraction and greatly simplifies exception handling.