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Scala - Interview Questions
What are the frameworks supported by Scala?
Scala has a vibrant ecosystem with numerous frameworks that support various application domains. Here are some of the popular frameworks supported by Scala:

1. Play Framework : Play is a full-stack web framework built on Scala. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern and provides a powerful routing system, asynchronous programming support, and seamless integration with Akka actors. Play simplifies the development of web applications and RESTful APIs.

2. Akka : Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant applications. It provides an actor-based programming model, allowing developers to build scalable and resilient systems. Akka is widely used for building reactive, event-driven applications.

3. Spark : Apache Spark is a fast and distributed computing framework that is widely used for big data processing and analytics. Scala is the primary language for Spark, and it provides a concise and expressive API for working with large-scale data processing tasks. Spark supports batch processing, real-time streaming, machine learning, and graph processing.

4. Finagle : Finagle is a network service framework developed by Twitter. It provides a set of asynchronous, composable, and protocol-agnostic networking primitives. Finagle simplifies the development of scalable and fault-tolerant networked applications, including HTTP servers, RPC systems, and streaming services.
5. Slick : Slick is a modern database query and access library for Scala. It provides a type-safe, SQL-like DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for interacting with relational databases. Slick allows developers to write database queries in a concise and composable manner, leveraging the power of Scala.

6. Cats : Cats is a lightweight, purely functional programming library for Scala. It provides abstractions for functional programming concepts such as functors, monads, applicatives, and more. Cats enables developers to write functional and composable code, promoting code reuse and maintainability.

7. Circe : Circe is a popular JSON library for Scala. It provides a type-safe and functional programming approach to JSON encoding, decoding, and manipulation. Circe leverages Scala's type inference and advanced language features to provide concise and expressive JSON handling capabilities.

8. Scalatra : Scalatra is a lightweight web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra. It focuses on simplicity and extensibility and provides a flexible routing DSL. Scalatra is well-suited for building RESTful web APIs and microservices.

9. Akka HTTP : Akka HTTP is a reactive and fully asynchronous HTTP server and client framework built on top of Akka. It provides a high-performance toolkit for building HTTP-based applications and services. Akka HTTP integrates seamlessly with Akka actors and enables the development of scalable and reactive HTTP applications.

10. Lift : Lift is a web framework that emphasizes security, scalability, and developer productivity. It follows a component-based architecture and provides a rich set of features for building interactive web applications. Lift leverages Scala's powerful language features to create concise and maintainable code.