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Internet Of Things - Interview Questions
What are the fundamental components of Internet Of Things?
The  fundamental components of an IoT system are :
Sensors/Devices : Sensors or devices are essential components for gathering real-time data from the environment. Almost all of this information may be complicated in any manner. It may be a basic temperature control sensor or a video feed.

Connectivity : The information gathered is submitted to a cloud infrastructure. The sensors should be linked to the cloud through a variety of communication channels. Mobile or satellite networks, Bluetooth, WI-FI, WAN, and other networking systems are examples of these mediums.

Data Processing : Once the data is collected and transferred to the cloud, the software product processes the information. This method can be as easy as testing the temperature or readings from equipment such as air conditioners or heaters. However, it can also be incredibly challenging, such as detecting objects using computer vision on video.

User Interface : The data must be open to the end-user in any manner, which can be done by setting off alarms on their phones or giving them updates by email or text message. The consumer can sometimes need an app that actively controls their IoT device.