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Java Springs - Interview Questions
What are the important features of Spring 5?
Spring 5 is a major overhaul from Spring 4. Some of the important features are :
* Support for Java 8 and higher versions, so we can use lambda expressions.
* Support for Java EE7 and Servlet 4.0 specs.
* File operations are performed via NIO 2 streams now, a huge improvement if your app does a lot of file handling.
* Introduction of spring-jcl to streamline logging, earlier it was a mess due to no single point for logging purposes.
* Support for Kotlin, Lombok, Reactor 3.1 Flux, and Mono as well as RxJava.
* Spring WebFlux that brings reactive programming to Spring.
* Support for JUnit 5
* Support for providing spring components information through index file “META-INF/spring.components” rather than classpath scanning.