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PowerShell - Interview Questions
What are the key PowerShell features?
Microsoft implements updates and the latest features separately for the PowerShell version, but let us look at the list of the primary features and characteristics of PowerShell :
Remote commands : Admins can execute remote operations on one or numerous computers, taking the benefit of technologies like WS-Management and Windows Management Instrumentation. For example, the WS-Management protocol, allows the customer to execute PowerShell scripts and commands on remote computers.

Pipelining : Owing to PowerShell, commands can be connected together via the pipe operator, represented as |. This approach permits the output from a particular command to turn into the input for the subsequent command in the pipeline sequence. The PowerShell pipeline allows objects, instead of flowing from one cmdlet to another and text strings.

Tab expansion : Tab expansion is an execution of auto-completion, which executes the cmdlets, properties, and parameter names by pushing the Tab key once.

Discoverability : Consumers can uncover PowerShell's attributes with the help of cmdlets including Get-Command, which constructs a list of all the commands, like cmdlets and functions, accessible on a particular computer. Parameters can be utilized to limit the scope of the search.