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Bulma - Interview Questions
What are the key components of Bulma?
Bulma is composed of various components that facilitate the creation of modern and responsive web interfaces.

Some of the key components include :

* Grid System : Bulma's grid system is based on Flexbox and allows developers to create responsive layouts easily. It provides a 12-column grid structure that can be customized to suit different screen sizes.

* Layout : Bulma offers components for structuring layouts, such as containers, columns, sections, and containers. These elements help organize content and establish responsive design principles.

* Modifiers : Modifiers are an essential part of Bulma's components, allowing developers to customize and modify elements. For instance, modifiers can change colors, sizes, responsiveness, and other properties of components without requiring extra CSS.

* Typography : Bulma provides a typography system with predefined styles for headings, paragraphs, lists, and other text elements. It includes classes for font sizes, weights, and other typographic properties.

* Forms : The framework includes form components like inputs, selects, checkboxes, and radio buttons styled with Bulma's aesthetics. Additionally, it offers validation styles and helpers for form elements.
* Buttons : Bulma provides a variety of button styles, sizes, and shapes, allowing developers to create visually appealing and responsive buttons easily.

* Navbar : It offers a flexible and customizable navigation bar component with various options for positioning, responsiveness, and dropdown menus.

* Cards : Card components in Bulma allow the creation of content blocks with consistent styles, suitable for displaying various types of information.

* Modals : Modal components enable developers to create pop-up dialogs or modals for displaying additional content or interactions.

* Tabs : Bulma includes tab components for organizing content into tabbed interfaces, facilitating navigation between different sections of content.

* Tooltips and Popovers : It provides components for tooltips and popovers, allowing developers to add additional information or context to elements.

These components, along with numerous utility classes, form the building blocks of Bulma. They are designed to be highly customizable, responsive, and easy to use, enabling developers to create sophisticated and visually appealing interfaces while maintaining flexibility and modularity.