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What are the key elements of Xamarin.Forms layouts?
Xamarin.Forms layouts play a crucial role in structuring the user interface of mobile applications. Let’s explore the key elements of these layouts:

Layouts with Single Content :
* ContentView: Acts as a structural element and contains a single child set via the Content property. You can use other layout derivatives as the content.
* Frame: Derived from ContentView, it displays a border (or frame) around its child. Customize properties like BorderColor, CornerRadius, and HasShadow.
* ScrollView: Enables scrolling for oversized content. Often used with a StackLayout as its content.
* TemplatedView: Displays content using a control template and serves as the base class for ContentView.
* ContentPresenter: A layout manager within a ControlTemplate to define where presented content appears.

Layouts with Multiple Children :
* StackLayout: Positions child elements either horizontally or vertically based on the Orientation property. Adjust spacing using the Spacing property.
* Grid: Organizes child elements in rows and columns. Use attached properties like Row, Column, RowSpan, and ColumnSpan.
* AbsoluteLayout: Positions child elements precisely relative to its parent. Specify positions using LayoutBounds and LayoutFlags.
* RelativeLayout: Allows flexible positioning of child views based on relationships between them.