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Jsoup - Interview Questions
What are the key features of Jsoup?
Jsoup offers several key features that make it a popular choice for parsing and manipulating HTML in Java applications:

* HTML Parsing : Jsoup provides a robust HTML parser capable of handling various document types, including HTML5. It can parse HTML from different sources such as strings, URLs, files, and input streams.

* Element Selection : Jsoup allows developers to select HTML elements using powerful CSS-like selectors. This makes it easy to target specific elements within the HTML document for further manipulation or extraction.

* Element Manipulation : With Jsoup, developers can modify the structure and content of HTML elements. This includes adding, removing, and modifying attributes, text content, and child elements.

* HTML Sanitization : Jsoup includes features for sanitizing HTML content to remove potentially harmful elements and attributes. This helps prevent security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when dealing with untrusted HTML input.

* Text Extraction : Jsoup simplifies the process of extracting text content from HTML elements. Developers can easily retrieve the text content of specific elements or the entire document.

* Attribute Extraction : Jsoup provides methods for extracting attributes from HTML elements. This allows developers to retrieve specific attributes such as IDs, classes, or custom data attributes.

* Element Traversal : Jsoup offers intuitive methods for navigating the HTML document's element hierarchy. Developers can traverse the document structure to access parent, child, and sibling elements easily.

* HTTP Connection Support : Jsoup includes features for making HTTP connections and fetching HTML content from web pages. It supports various HTTP methods, including GET and POST, and provides options for handling redirects, timeouts, and authentication.

* AJAX Content Handling : Jsoup can handle dynamic content loaded via AJAX requests. It provides methods for fetching and parsing HTML content generated dynamically by JavaScript on web pages.

* Error Handling : Jsoup includes robust error handling mechanisms to handle exceptions that may occur during HTML parsing or manipulation. This helps ensure the reliability and stability of Java applications using Jsoup.