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PouchDB - Interview Questions
What are the key features of PouchDB?
PouchDB offers several key features that make it a powerful tool for building offline-first applications and enabling seamless data synchronization between client-side and server-side databases. Here are some of its key features:

Offline Access : PouchDB allows applications to store data locally on the user's device, enabling offline access to application features and content even when there is no internet connection available.

Real-Time Data Synchronization : PouchDB provides built-in support for bidirectional data synchronization between the client-side and server-side databases, ensuring that changes made to the data on one side are automatically replicated to the other side in real-time.

Cross-Platform Compatibility : PouchDB is designed to work across various platforms and environments, including web browsers, mobile devices, and Node.js runtime environments, making it versatile for building applications across different platforms.

Flexible Storage Backends : PouchDB supports multiple storage backends, including IndexedDB, WebSQL, and LevelDB, allowing developers to choose the most suitable storage option based on the target platform and browser compatibility requirements.

Conflict Resolution : PouchDB provides mechanisms for handling conflicts that may arise during data replication, allowing developers to implement custom conflict resolution policies based on their application's requirements.

Security and Encryption : PouchDB supports encryption and security features to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data stored locally on the user's device, allowing developers to implement encryption mechanisms to protect sensitive information.

Eventual Consistency : PouchDB aims to achieve eventual consistency between the client-side and server-side databases, ensuring that all changes made to the data are eventually propagated and applied consistently across all devices.

Integration with Front-End Frameworks : PouchDB can be easily integrated with various front-end frameworks and libraries, such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, allowing developers to build offline-first web applications seamlessly.

Community and Ecosystem : PouchDB benefits from a vibrant open-source community and ecosystem, with a wide range of plugins, libraries, and resources available to developers, enhancing the usability and extensibility of PouchDB for various use cases.