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Rest API - Interview Questions
What are the key features provided by JAX-RS API in Java EE?
JAX-RS stands for Java API for RESTful Web services. They are nothing but a set of Java-based APIs that are provided in the Java EE which is useful in the implementation and development of RESTful web services.
Features of JAX-RS are :
POJO-based : The APIs in the JAX-RS is based on a certain set of annotations, classes, and interfaces that are used with POJO (Plain Old Java Object) to expose the services as web services.

HTTP-based : The JAX-RS APIs are designed using HTTP as their base protocol. They support the HTTP usage patterns and they provide the corresponding mapping between the HTTP actions and the API classes.

Format Independent : They can be used to work with a wide range of data types that are supported by the HTTP body content.

Container Independent : The APIs can be deployed in the Java EE container or a servlet container such as Tomcat or they can also be plugged into JAX-WS (Java API for XML-based web services) providers.