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Rust - Interview Questions
What are the limitations of Rust?
Here are some major limitations associated with the Rust programming language:

Learning Curve : Rust can be difficult, especially for those new to programming or unfamiliar with systems programming languages. It has a steep learning curve, and its syntax can be complex and unfamiliar to many developers.

Memory Management : While Rust's ownership and borrowing system is designed to prevent memory-related bugs, it can also be quite restrictive, requiring developers to manage memory usage and ownership of variables carefully.

Slow Compilation : Rust is known for having slow compilation times, especially compared to other modern programming languages. This can frustrate developers who need to iterate quickly during the development process.

Limited Libraries : Rust is still a relatively new language, and as a result, its library ecosystem is not as mature as that of other languages like Python or JavaScript. This can make it difficult to find and use third-party libraries and frameworks.