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Postman - Interview Questions
What are the most commonly seen status codes in Postman?
Following is the list of most commonly seen status codes in Postman :
200 (OK) : Status code 200 specifies that the request was correct.

201 (Created) : Status code 201 specifies that the value wrapped with the request has been created in the database. Here, it is obvious that the request was correct.

204 (No Content) : Status code 204 specifies that the request was correct and received, but there is no content to send. It means there is no response to send to the client by the server.

400 (Bad Request) : Status code 400 specifies a bad request. A bad request means that the syntax of the request was incorrect. It appears when we have sent the wrong parameters along with the request URL or in the request's body.

401 (Unauthorized request) : Status code 401 specifies an unauthorized request. An unauthorized request is a request for which you are not authorized. This status code appears when we are not authorized to access the server or enter the wrong credentials.

404 (Not Found) : Status code 404 specifies that the server was connected, but it could not find what was requested. It simply means "request not found". This status code normally appears when we request a web page not available on the server.