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Cucumber - Interview Questions
What are the primary keywords in Cucumber?
Following are the primary keywords in Cucumber :
Feature : The Feature keyword's aim is to collect relevant scenarios and provide a high-level description of a software feature.

Rule :
The Rule keyword is used to express a single business rule that should be followed. It adds to the information about a feature.

Example :
This is a practical illustration of a business rule. It comprises a series of steps.

Given :
The given steps are used to describe the system's initial context - the scenario's scene. It usually refers to an event that occurred in the past.

When :
When describing an occurrence or an action, When is employed. It could be a user interacting with the system or an event generated by another system.

Then :
Then steps are employed to indicate an anticipated outcome, or result.

Background :
A background helps you to give the situations that follow it some context. It can have one or more Given steps, which are executed prior to each scenario but after any Before hooks.