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RPA - Interview Questions
What are the risks of RPA in terms of security? How are you going to deal with them?
Despite its advantages, RPA poses certain security concerns. To do some piece of work or automated duties, such as logging into the system or moving data from one application to another, the RPA bot needed privileged access. Bots require credentials to accomplish these tasks, which are kept in a script or a rule-based process. There may be a process to retrieve these credentials from a different site. Because credentials are exchanged and reused so frequently, they are retained unmodified and stored in insecure areas. As a result, attackers can easily obtain RPA credentials and gain privileged access to computers.
These security threats can be mitigated in the following ways :
* You should not save sensitive data in scripts or unsecured areas and should instead utilise some encrypted centralised locations to store these credentials.
* Use the idea of least privilege access for bots, which implies just giving bots access to the applications that they need.
* Admins should secure the RPA console with credentials and monitor session activities, terminating the procedure if any suspicious sessions are discovered.