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Augmented Reality - Interview Questions
What are the type of Augmented Reality?
Marker-based Augmented Reality :  Is used for marketing and retail purposes in someone’s home. An example would be an app that allows you to visualize objects virtually in your homes before you can actually buy it.
Marker-less Augmented Reality :  Uses the device’s own hardware. GPS, camera and accelerometer collect information for the AR software.
Location-based Augmented Reality :  Location-based AR ties digital content and the experience it creates to a specific place.
Superimposition Augmented Reality : Recognizes an object in the physical world and enhances it in some way to provide an alternate view.
Projection-based Augmented Reality : Is a little different than the other types of markerless augmented reality.
Outlining Augmented Reality : Recognizes boundaries and lines to help in situations when the human eye can’t.