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Neural Networks - Interview Questions
What are the uses of using Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) in Natural Language Processing(NLP)?
Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) : 
* RNNs are ideal for solving problems where the sequence is more important than the individual items themselves.
* An RNNs is essentially a fully connected neural network that contains a refactoring of some of its layers into a loop. That loop is typically an iteration over the addition or concatenation of two inputs, a matrix multiplication and a non-linear function.

Natural Language Processing(NLP) :
* Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a sub-field of computer science and artificial intelligence, dealing with processing and generating natural language data. Although there is still research that is outside of the machine learning, most NLP is now based on language models produced by machine learning.
* NLP is a good use case for RNNs and is used in the article to explain how RNNs can be constructed.

Source : Towardsdatascience