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Bulma - Interview Questions
What are utility classes in Bulma, and why are they beneficial?
Utility classes in Bulma are small, single-purpose classes that provide specific styling or functionality to elements. These classes offer a quick and efficient way to apply styles without writing custom CSS, allowing developers to rapidly prototype, customize, and style elements within their HTML markup.

Benefits of Utility Classes in Bulma :

* Rapid Prototyping : Utility classes facilitate rapid prototyping by allowing developers to instantly apply styles to elements without creating separate CSS rules.
* Simplified Styling : They provide a straightforward method to apply styles like colors, spacing, alignment, responsiveness, and more, directly within HTML elements.
* Flexibility and Modularity : Utility classes follow a modular approach, allowing developers to mix and match classes to achieve specific styles without creating new CSS rules.
* Readability and Maintenance : Utility classes enhance code readability as they describe the purpose of the styling directly within the HTML, reducing the need to navigate CSS files for minor adjustments.
* Responsive Design : Bulma's utility classes include responsive modifiers (is-mobile, is-tablet, is-desktop, etc.) that enable easy adjustment of styles based on screen sizes, promoting responsive design.
* Reduction of Overhead : They help reduce CSS file size by avoiding the creation of numerous specific CSS rules for small styling variations.

Examples of Utility Classes :

* Colors : is-primary, is-success, is-danger for applying different color schemes.
* Spacing : m-3, p-4 for margin and padding adjustments.
* Alignment : has-text-centered, is-flex for text and flexbox alignment.
* Visibility : is-hidden, is-invisible for hiding or showing elements.
* Responsiveness : is-mobile, is-desktop-only for responsive adjustments.
* Grid : columns, column for creating grid layouts.

Example Usage :
<div class="notification is-primary is-flex is-align-items-center">
  <span class="is-hidden-mobile">This is a primary notification</span>
  <button class="button is-danger is-inverted is-outlined ml-3">Delete</button>

Utility classes in Bulma enable developers to quickly apply styles, experiment with design variations, and achieve consistent and responsive layouts while maintaining a clean and modular codebase.