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Blue Prism - Interview Questions
What do you mean by Decipher IDP?
Decipher IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) is a tool from Blue Prism for identifying and extracting data from both structured/semi-structured business forms/documents ( like purchase orders, invoices, and other types of documents). It is an easy-to-use and simple Intelligent Document Processing solution that can read/scan any business document, identify data points regardless of document format and location, and then extract and structure the data points for use in RPA processes. Additionally, Decipher IDP allows you to uncover new opportunities and potential as well as increase automation adoption across the enterprise.
Here are some of the main benefits of Decipher IDP :
* Fast and accurate data access.
* Improved processing speed.
* Increased security and compliance across all industries.
* Support for structured and semi-structured documents.