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Pega - Interview Questions
What do you understand about DCO in Pega? What are the benefits of DCO in the context of Pega?
DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It is the process of acquiring, organising, and storing data by using Pega's integrated solution, the Pega Platform. Processes and tools for gathering and organising application artefacts are included in DCO. More crucially, IT, business, and testing teams, as well as other resources, employ this enabling technology. It saves time, effort, and money while also improving the quality of projects and people's lives.
DCO is not a methodology or a step in the methodology development process. It's not just one tool. Instead, the goals and benefits are to centralise the data so that it may be used continually across departments at the right time and at the right level. DCO eliminates communication obstacles by providing a centralised repository for linked application artefacts (objectives, requirements, specifications, and implementation rules). All resources have real-time as-built documentation and a single view of the application.
The following tools are used by DCO to automate the work :
* Case Lifecycle Manager
* New Application Wizard
* Application profiler
* Document generation
* Effort Estimation
* Specification documents

Following are the benefits of DCO in Pega:
* DCO enables collaborative teams to model situations that must be addressed by the application's end users. The modelling and simulation tools allow users to take a critical interim step after documenting the application but before incurring the cost of development to see if the software is meeting our objectives. When we can think through and work out solutions as part of the software development life cycle, we are less likely to be blindsided in production.

* Organizations can use DCO to improve their efforts and use iterative processes. Issues and risks are not allowed to be discovered and mitigated at the conclusion of a project; they are detected and mitigated in real-time. The software development process is more visible, and it allows teams to learn and improve on a constant basis. DCO technologies and best practices give organisations several ways to deliver go-live, increasing their return on investment and allowing them to reliably accomplish their objectives.