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QTP/UFT - Interview Questions
What do you understand about checkpoints in the context of UFT? Explain the different types of checkpoints available in UFT.
In UFT, a checkpoint is a point where the current value of an Object's specified properties is compared to the intended value. If the present and predicted values are equal, the status is PASS; otherwise, the status is FAIL.
Following are the different types of checkpoints available in UFT :
Standard Checkpoint : During a run session, it compares the expected values of object properties captured during recording to the object's current values.

Page Checkpoint : A Page Checkpoint is a Standard Checkpoint established for a web page. It's used to count how many links and images are on a page. Page Checkpoints can be used to monitor Load Time, or the time it takes for a web page to load.

Bitmap Checkpoint : A Bitmap Checkpoint is a checkpoint that allows a user to examine the bitmap of an image or a complete web page. It compares real and expected images on a pixel-by-pixel basis.

Image Checkpoint : An image checkpoint allows you to inspect properties such as an online image's source file location. Unlike Bitmap Checkpoint, image checkpoint does not allow you to examine pixels (bitmaps).

Text Checkpoint : A text checkpoint is a tool for ensuring that expected text in a web page or application is present. This text could be from a specific area of the app or a small portion of the text on the screen.

Accessibility Checkpoint : It ensures that Web-based technologies and information systems follow the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) instructions and recommendations. These guidelines make it simple for impaired people to use the internet.

Database Checkpoint : A Database Checkpoint runs a query in real-time, and the database values are saved as intended. During runtime, the identical query is repeated and the actual and expected values are compared.

Table Checkpoint : A Table Checkpoint allows you to examine the contents of cells in a table (grid) that appears in your environment on the fly. You can also inspect table parameters such as row height, cell width, and so on. Table Checkpoint is similar to Database Checkpoint in that it allows you to save your work.

XML Checkpoint : You may verify XML Data, XML Schema, and XML Data using XML Checkpoints.