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Cyber Security - Interview Questions
What do you understand by CIA triad?
CIA is an acronym that stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. It is commonly known as the CIA triad. CIA is a model that specifies the guide policies for Information Security. It is one of the most popular models used by organizations.
Confidentiality : It specifies that the information should be accessible and readable only to authorized personnel and ensures that unauthorized personnel cannot access it. The information should be strongly encrypted so that if someone uses hacking to access the data, they cannot read or understand it.

Integrity : Integrity is used to ensure that an unauthorized entity has not modified the data. It also ensures that data should not be corrupted. If an authorized individual/system tries to modify the data and the modification should not be successful, the data reversed back and should not be corrupted.

Availability : It ensures that the data is available to the user whenever the user requires it. To achieve this, maintaining hardware, upgrading them regularly, data backups and recovery are necessary.