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UI Developer - Interview Questions
What do you understand by lazy loading? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lazy loading?
Lazy loading is a design pattern and optimization technique used in computer programming to delay the initialization of an object until a required period. It is also known as on-demand loading. This optimization technique is used for online content like a website or a web app. It is used to enhance the performance of the web page. In this technique, instead of loading the entire web page and rendering it to the user in one go as in bulk loading, only the required section is loaded, and it delays the remaining part of the web page until the user requires it.
Advantages of Lazy loading
* Lazy loading or on-demand loading enhances the performance of web pages by reducing time consumption and memory usage.
* It optimizes the content delivery on the web page.
* It loads only a fraction of the web page first, which is required. Thus, the time taken is less, and the loading of the rest of the part of the web page is delayed, which saves storage.
* It enhances the user's experience as the requested content is delivered quickly.
* It avoids unnecessary code execution.
* It is cost-effective as it practices the optimal time and space resources usage.

Disadvantages of Lazy loading
* The developers have to add some extra lines of code to the existing ones to implement lazy load. It can make the code a bit complicated.
* Sometimes, lazy loading may affect the website's ranking on search engines because of improper indexing of the content, which is not loaded.