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What does BatchGetItem do in DynamoDB?
The BatchGetItem operation in Amazon DynamoDB allows you to retrieve multiple items from one or more DynamoDB tables in a single request. It's a convenient way to efficiently retrieve multiple items based on their primary keys, reducing the number of network round-trips and improving application performance.

Here's how BatchGetItem works :

Input Parameters :
* BatchGetItem takes a list of one or more table names along with a set of keys for each table.
* For each table, you specify a list of primary key values (or a combination of primary key values and sort key values for composite primary keys) for the items you want to retrieve.

Request Limitations :
* The total number of items retrieved by BatchGetItem cannot exceed 100 items or 16 MB of data per request.
* If you exceed these limits, DynamoDB returns an error and you may need to split your request into multiple smaller batches.

Response :
* When you send a BatchGetItem request, DynamoDB processes the request in parallel, retrieving items from multiple tables simultaneously.
* The response contains a list of items retrieved from each table specified in the request, organized by table.
* If any requested items are not found, DynamoDB returns an empty set for those items.

Consistency :
* By default, BatchGetItem provides eventually consistent reads. This means that you might not immediately see the most recent data changes in the retrieved items.
* You can specify strongly consistent reads by setting the ConsistentRead parameter to true in the request. This ensures that BatchGetItem returns the most up-to-date data for each item.

Error Handling :
* If any individual GetItem operation within the batch encounters an error, DynamoDB returns an error response containing information about the failed operations.
* It's important to handle errors appropriately in your application code and retry failed operations if necessary.

BatchGetItem is useful for scenarios where you need to retrieve multiple items by their primary keys, such as fetching related items in a single query or performing bulk data retrieval operations. However, it's important to keep in mind the limitations and considerations, such as request size limits and eventual consistency, when using BatchGetItem in your applications.