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What does Virtualization means?
Virtualization is the process of using one physical system to run multiple virtual machines. It is commonly used by companies that want to consolidate computing resources and keep them running 24/7 without having to buy more hardware. Virtualization can also be used for testing purposes, such as for software development or system performance testing.

Virtualization can be used in a number of different ways, from simple setups where multiple virtual machines run on the same physical server, to complex setups that use multiple servers and virtual networks.

The end goal is always the same : reducing overhead costs and improving overall IT infrastructure efficiency. Virtualization can also be used to create hybrid environments where physical servers are augmented by cloud-based services.

There are many different types of virtualization technology available today, including :

* VMware - This is one of the most popular virtualization technologies available today. It runs on almost any platform and is easy to install and manage. It’s also very cost-effective because it leverages a lot of existing hardware and software infrastructure already in place.

* Windows Server - Windows Server is a common choice for virtualizing Microsoft applications because it has built-in support for Hyper-V, making it easy to deploy and manage. There are also several third-party solutions available to further augment administrator capabilities.

* Hyper-V - This is another option that’s popular with organizations looking to virtualize their servers. While it’s not as widely used as Hyper-V, it’s still an option that’s worth exploring if you’re looking for a low-cost way to virtualize. It’s one of the newer options available, so it might not be as widely accepted as the others but it’s still a valid option.