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ASP.NET - Interview Questions
What is ASP.NET?
ASP.NET (Active Server Pages . NET) is a progressive new programming framework that empowers the rapid improvement of powerful web applications and administrations. It is a part of the Microsoft .NET Platform, it gives the simplest and most versatile approach to create, deploy and run web applications that can focus on any browser or device.ASP.NET is built on the CLR(Common Language Runtime) which allows the programmers to execute its code using any .NET language(C#, VB, etc.). It is specially designed to work with HTTP and for web developers to create dynamic web pages, web applications, websites, and web services as it provides a good integration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
.NET Framework is used to create a variety of applications and services like Console, Web, and Windows, etc. But ASP.NET is only used to create web applications and web services. That’s why we termed ASP.NET as a subset of the .NET Framework.