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Zend framework - Interview Questions
What is Captcha Operation in Zend framework?
The AdapterInterface : All CAPTCHA adapters implement Zend\Captcha\AdapterInterface, which looks like the following :
namespace Zend\Captcha;

use Zend\Validator\ValidatorInterface;

interface AdapterInterface extends ValidatorInterface
    public function generate();

    public function setName($name);

    public function getName();

    // Get helper name used for rendering this captcha type
    public function getHelperName();
The name setter and getter are used to specify and retrieve the CAPTCHA identifier. The most interesting methods are generate() and render(). generate() is used to create the CAPTCHA token. This process typically will store the token in the session so that you may compare against it in subsequent requests. render() is used to render the information that represents the CAPTCHA, be it an image, a figlet, a logic problem, or some other CAPTCHA.