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Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Interview Questions
What is DHCP, and for what is it used?
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a protocol that allows networks to dynamically allocate IP addresses to hosts on the network.

DHCP is used to assign IP addresses to devices such as PCs and routers. When a device is installed, it may need an IP address in order to access the Internet. So when a new device is installed, it will get an IP address from DHCP so that it can connect to the network.

When a device connects to a network, it needs an IP address first so that it can communicate with other hosts on the network. And since most networks have only one IP address assigned for each device, there must be some mechanism for dynamically allocating those addresses.

In order for a DHCP server to work, it must have at least two parts: an interface (usually Ethernet or WiFi) and some sort of database that stores information about connections and users. Since an interface is required for each device connected, this database must contain all of the information about those devices and how they are connected. All of this data is then pulled together when a connection is requested.