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Social Media Optimization (SMO) - Interview Questions
What is DO-NOT-DELETE rule in social media?
The "DO-NOT-DELETE" rule in social media is not a widely recognized or established term or rule within the context of social media usage. It does not refer to a standard practice or guideline for social media platforms.

However, in some contexts, individuals or organizations may use the term "DO-NOT-DELETE" as a request or instruction within a social media post or comment. For example, someone might include "DO NOT DELETE" in a comment to request that the owner of a social media page or post not remove their comment. This is often used when the commenter wants to ensure that their feedback, question, or statement remains visible to others, particularly in cases where there may be a risk of the comment being removed by the page owner or moderator.
It's important to note that social media platforms typically have their own community guidelines and rules regarding content moderation, which may include criteria for deleting comments or posts. These rules vary from platform to platform, and users are expected to adhere to them.

If you encounter the term "DO-NOT-DELETE" in a social media context, it's advisable to review the specific context and any accompanying instructions or comments to understand the intent behind it.