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What is Database Table Authentication in Zend framework?
Zend\Authentication\Adapter\DbTable provides the ability to authenticate against credentials stored in a database table. Because Zend\Authentication\Adapter\DbTable requires an instance of Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter to be passed to its constructor, each instance is bound to a particular database connection. Other configuration options may be set through the constructor and through instance methods, one for each option.
The available configuration options include :
tableName : This is the name of the database table that contains the authentication credentials, and against which the database authentication query is performed.

identityColumn : This is the name of the database table column used to represent the identity. The identity column must contain unique values, such as a username or e-mail address.

credentialColumn : This is the name of the database table column used to represent the credential. Under a simple identity and password authentication scheme, the credential value corresponds to the password. See also the credentialTreatment option.

credentialTreatment : In many cases, passwords and other sensitive data are encrypted, hashed, encoded, obscured, salted or otherwise treated through some function or algorithm. By specifying a parameterized treatment string with this method, such as ‘MD5(?)‘ or ‘PASSWORD(?)‘, a developer may apply such arbitrary SQL upon input credential data. Since these functions are specific to the underlying RDBMS, check the database manual for the availability of such functions for your database system.

Basic Usage

As explained in the introduction, the Zend\Authentication\Adapter\DbTable constructor requires an instance of Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter that serves as the database connection to which the authentication adapter instance is bound. First, the database connection should be created.
The following code creates an adapter for an in-memory database, creates a simple table schema, and inserts a row against which we can perform an authentication query later. This example requires the PDO SQLite extension to be available :
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter as DbAdapter;

// Create a SQLite database connection
$dbAdapter = new DbAdapter(array(
                'driver' => 'Pdo_Sqlite',
                'database' => 'path/to/sqlite.db'

// Build a simple table creation query
$sqlCreate = 'CREATE TABLE [users] ('
           . '[id] INTEGER  NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, '
           . '[username] VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL, '
           . '[password] VARCHAR(32) NULL, '
           . '[real_name] VARCHAR(150) NULL)';

// Create the authentication credentials table

// Build a query to insert a row for which authentication may succeed
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO users (username, password, real_name) "
           . "VALUES ('my_username', 'my_password', 'My Real Name')";

// Insert the data