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Database Testing - Interview Questions
What is Database Testing?
Database testing/Back-end testing is a process of checking the impact of back-end database operation on front-end web/desktop applications. Database testing is a procedure of validating data stored in a database and its related functionality and objects controlling database entities like tables, stored procedures, views, triggers and functions.

It is divided into 4 categories like as : 
Data Validity Testing : While doing this testing, testers need to know SQL queries to retrieve data from the database and validate it.
Data Integrity Testing : Here, the testers need to validate data against various constraints and referential integrity in the database.
Database Performance Testing : Here, the testers need to validate the performance of various triggers, indices, procedures to see how effectively the operations occur. The system also needs to execute database transactions efficiently. Good knowledge of database structures needs to be there while doing this.
Testing of Procedure, Triggers, and Functions : While doing this testing, testers/developers should have a perfect understanding of the testing procedure, triggers, and functions.