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WCF - Interview Questions
What is Exception Handling in WCF? What are the ways for WCF Exception Handling?
Exception handling is critical to all applications for troubleshooting the unexpected problems in applications. The Windows Communication Framework (WCF) provides several options for handling exceptions in WCF services. This article discusses these approaches and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each. The following options are provided to handle exceptions in WCF:
* Using returnUnknownExceptionsAsFaults : Debugging Mode
* Using FaultException : Best Option.
* Using IErrorHandler : Only when the exception can't be handled by Fault

Exception handling in WCF
Exception Handling
Exceptions inside a WCF Service
Before describing the details of exception handling in WCF, let's explore what happens if we do not handle an exception inside the service. Consider a service with the CreateUser method as shown in the following:  
public void CreateUser(User user)
        //Create User
        throw new ApplicationException(“User Inavalid.”);
Example : 
public class DBManagerService: IDBManagerService

void Save(Employee emp)
        //Code to store an employee object to the database
    catch (Exception ex
            throw new Exception(“Error occurred
                while saving data…”);