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ml5.js - Interview Questions
What is Face-Api in ml5.js?
ml5.js has created an API to face-api.js that allows you to access face and face landmark detection.
Face API
The ml5.js implementation of face-api does not support expressions, age or gender estimation.
Quickstart :
const detectionOptions = {
  withLandmarks: true,
  withDescriptors: false,
// Initialize the magicFeature
const faceapi = ml5.faceApi(detectionOptions, modelLoaded);

// When the model is loaded
function modelLoaded() {
  console.log('Model Loaded!');

  // Make some sparkles
  faceapi.detect(myImage, (err, results) => {
Usage :
Initialize :
const faceapi = ml5.faceApi(videoOrOptionsOrCallback, optionsOrCallback?, callback?);
Parameters :
* videoOrOptionsOrCallback : REQUIRED. Notice there is no question mark in front of the input.
* optionsOrCallback : OPTIONAL. Notice the ? indicates an optional parameter.
* callback : OPTIONAL. A description of some kind of object with some properties. Notice the ? indicates an optional parameter.
  withLandmarks: true,
  withDescriptors: true,
  minConfidence: 0.5,
    Mobilenetv1Model: '',
    FaceLandmarkModel: '',
    FaceLandmark68TinyNet: '',
    FaceRecognitionModel: '',