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Django - Interview Questions
What is Jinja Templating?
Django supports many popular templating engines and by default, it comes with one very powerful templating engine.
Jinja Templating is a very popular templating engine for Python, the latest version in the market is Jinja 2.
There are some features of Jinja templating that make it a better option than the default template system in Django.
* Sandbox Execution : This is like a sandbox or a protected framework for automating the testing process.
* HTML Escaping : Jinja 2 provides automatic HTML Escaping, as <, >, & characters have special values in templates and if used as regular text, these symbols can lead to XSS Attacks which Jinja deals with automatically.
* Template Inheritance
* Generates HTML templates much faster than default engine
* Easier to debug, compared to default engine.