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Koa.js - Interview Questions
What is Koa.js?
Koa.js is a web framework for Node.js designed to be expressive, minimalistic, and highly modular. It was developed by the team behind Express.js, with the goal of providing a more modern and lightweight alternative. Koa.js uses JavaScript's async/await feature to handle asynchronous operations, making the code more readable and sequential.

Key features of Koa.js include :

1.  Middleware Approach :  Koa.js relies on middleware functions to handle various aspects of web development. Developers can use these middleware functions to perform tasks such as logging, authentication, and error handling.

2.  Async/Await :  Koa.js embraces the use of async functions and the await keyword to handle asynchronous operations in a more elegant and synchronous-looking way, improving code readability and maintainability.

3. Context Object (ctx) : Koa.js encapsulates the request and response objects in a single context object (`ctx`). This context object provides a unified interface for working with both the incoming request and the outgoing response.

4. No Built-in Routing or Middleware : Unlike Express.js, Koa.js deliberately avoids providing built-in solutions for routing and middleware. Instead, it allows developers to choose and integrate third-party libraries for these purposes, promoting a more modular and flexible approach.

5. Lightweight Core : Koa.js itself is a minimalistic core, focusing on providing a solid foundation for building web applications. This design philosophy encourages developers to add only the components they need, reducing unnecessary bloat.

6. Event-Driven Architecture : Koa.js is built on an event-driven architecture, where middleware functions are executed in a specific order. It allows for greater control over the request-response flow.

7. Enhanced Error Handling : Koa.js simplifies error handling by using try/catch blocks and the `ctx.throw()` method. This approach makes it easier to manage errors in an application.