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WPF - Interview Questions
What is MVVM?
MVVM (Model View ViewModel) is a framework for making applications in WPF. MVVM is the same as the MVC framework. It is a 3-tier architecture plus one more layer. We can do loose coupling using MVVM.
MVVM was introduced by John Gossman in 2005 specifically for use with WPF as a concrete application of Martin Fowler's broader Presentation Model pattern. The implementation of an application, based on the MVVM patterns, uses various platform capabilities that are available in some form for WPF, Silverlight Desktop/web, and on Windows. Many commercial applications, including Microsoft Expression products, were built following MVVM.
Advantage of MVVM
* Modularity
* Test driven approach.
* Separation UI and Business layer as view and view model.
* Code sharing between pages and forms.
* Easy to Maintain.

List of features of MVVM
* It separates the business and presentation layers, like MVP and MVC.
* Improve Structure/separation of concerns (View, ViewModel and Model).
* Enable a better Design/Developer Workflow.
* Enhance simplicity and testability.
* Enabled by the robust data binding capability of XAML.
* No need to use a code behind file (minimalist code-behind file).
* Provides application development ability for multiple environments.
* Powerful Data Binding, command, validation and much more.
* The designer and developer can work together.