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FuelPHP - Interview Questions
What is Named routes and reverse routing in FuelPHP?
The idea of reversed routing is like this: say you got an admin area and you have a route setup for it. In your views, you would like to that admin area using an HTML anchor that links to for example 'admin/start/overview'. Now you decide to move stuff around and end up moving that specific page to 'admin/overview'. As a result of this now you need to update the links in all your views...
When using reverse routing with these name routes you can link an anchor to a named route, so that when the route changes, the links in your views will automatically follow the change
Example route :
return array(
    'admin/start/overview' => array('admin/overview', 'name' => 'admin_overview'), // add a named route for the admin/overview page
Example anchor :
// produces <a href="http://your_base_url/admin/start/overview">Overview</a>
echo Html::anchor(Router::get('admin_overview'), 'Overview');