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F# - Interview Questions
What is Operator Overloading in F#;
This topic describes how to overload arithmetic operators in a class or record type, and at the global level.
Syntax :
// Overloading an operator as a class or record member.
static member (operator-symbols) (parameter-list) =
// Overloading an operator at the global level
let [inline] (operator-symbols) parameter-list = function-body
In the previous syntax, the operator-symbol is one of +, -, *, /, =, and so on. The parameter-list specifies the operands in the order they appear in the usual syntax for that operator. The method-body constructs the resulting value.
Operator overloads for operators must be static. Operator overloads for unary operators, such as + and -, must use a tilde (~) in the operator-symbol to indicate that the operator is a unary operator and not a binary operator, as shown in the following declaration.
static member (~-) (v : Vector)