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Yii framework - Interview Questions
What is PHP Callable Injection in Yii framework?
In this case, the container will use a registered PHP callable to build new instances of a class. Each time when yii\di\Container::get() is called, the corresponding callable will be invoked. The callable is responsible to resolve the dependencies and inject them appropriately to the newly created objects. For example :
$container->set('Foo', function ($container, $params, $config) {
    $foo = new Foo(new Bar);
    // ... other initializations ...
    return $foo;

$foo = $container->get('Foo');
To hide the complex logic for building a new object, you may use a static class method as callable. For example :
class FooBuilder
    public static function build($container, $params, $config)
        $foo = new Foo(new Bar);
        // ... other initializations ...
        return $foo;

$container->set('Foo', ['app\helper\FooBuilder', 'build']);

$foo = $container->get('Foo');
By doing so, the person who wants to configure the Foo class no longer needs to be aware of how it is built.