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Phalcon - Interview Questions
What is Phalcon Session?
Sessions are used in PHP to persist data between requests. This enables developers to build better applications and increase the user experience. A very common usage of sessions is to keep whether a user is logged in or not. Phalcon\Session\Manager is an object oriented approach to handle sessions using Phalcon. There are several reasons to use this component instead of raw sessions or accessing the $_SESSION superglobal: 
* You can easily isolate session data across applications on the same domain
* Intercept where session data is set/get in your application
* Change the session adapter according to the application needs
Manager :  Phalcon\Session\Manager is a component that allows you to manipulate sessions in your application. This manager accepts an adapter which is the way the data will be communicated to a particular store.

use Phalcon\Session\Manager;
use Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Stream;

$session = new Manager();
$files = new Stream(
        'savePath' => '/tmp',