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PouchDB - Interview Questions
What is PouchDB?
PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database that is designed to run within web browsers. It enables developers to build applications that can work offline by storing data locally on the user's device. PouchDB is modeled after Apache CouchDB, a NoSQL database, and shares its replication protocol. This means that PouchDB can synchronize data bidirectionally with CouchDB and other compatible databases when the device comes online.

One of the key features of PouchDB is its ability to seamlessly replicate data between the client-side database (PouchDB) and the server-side database (such as CouchDB or any other database that supports CouchDB's replication protocol).
This enables developers to create offline-first applications where users can continue working with the application even when they're not connected to the internet, and any changes they make will be synchronized with the server once they regain connectivity.

PouchDB is especially popular in the context of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) and mobile applications where offline functionality is essential. It provides a convenient and flexible way to manage data locally on the client-side, ensuring a smooth user experience regardless of network availability. Additionally, PouchDB supports various storage backends, allowing developers to choose the most suitable option based on their requirements, including IndexedDB, WebSQL, and LevelDB.