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PySpark - Interview Questions
What is PySpark SQL?
PySpark SQL is the most popular PySpark module that is used to process structured columnar data. Once a DataFrame is created, we can interact with data using the SQL syntax. Spark SQL is used for bringing native raw SQL queries on Spark by using select, where, group by, join, union etc. For using PySpark SQL, the first step is to create a temporary table on DataFrame by using createOrReplaceTempView() function. Post creation, the table is accessible throughout SparkSession by using sql() method. When the SparkSession gets terminated, the temporary table will be dropped.

For example, consider we have the following DataFrame assigned to a variable df :
| Name      | Age      | Gender   |
| Harry     | 20       |    M     |
| Ron       | 20       |    M     |
| Hermoine  | 20       |    F     |

In the below piece of code, we will be creating a temporary table of the DataFrame that gets accessible in the SparkSession using the sql() method. The SQL queries can be run within the method.
df_new = spark.sql("SELECT * from STUDENTS")
The schema will be displayed as shown below:
>> df.printSchema()
|-- Name: string (nullable = true)
|-- Age: integer (nullable = true)
|-- Gender: string (nullable = true)?

For the above example, let’s try running group by on the Gender column:
groupByGender = spark.sql("SELECT Gender, count(*) as Gender_Count from STUDENTS group by Gender")

The above statements results in :
|     F|       1    |
|     M|       2    |