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WCF - Interview Questions
What is REST and how to create a WCF RESTful Service ?
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a protocol for exchanging data over a distributed environment. The main idea behind REST is that we should treat our distributed services as a resource and we should be able to use simple HTTP protocols to perform various operations on that resource.
The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data format, or JSON for short, is derived from the literals of the JavaScript programming language. JSON helps us to present and exchange data in a self-descriptive, independent and light way. This data can then be easily consumed and transformed into JavaScript objects.
In most browser-based applications, WCF can be consumed using JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS and so on. When a client makes a call to WCF, JSON or XML is used as the format of the communication. WCF has the option to send the response in JSON object. This can be configured with the WebGet orWebInvoke attribute and the WebHttpBinding. This allows you to expose a ServiceContract as a REST service that can be invoked using either JSON or plain XML.
* GET : Retrieves the information.
* PUT : Replaces the entire collection with another collection.
* POST : Creates a new entry in the collection.
* DELETE : Deletes the entire collection.