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Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Interview Questions
What is SRE in Scrum?
Scrum is an agile framework for software development that focuses on iterative and incremental delivery of products. It emphasizes cross-functional teams, collaboration, and adaptability.

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a discipline that combines software engineering and operations to ensure the reliability, scalability, and performance of systems and services.

While Scrum and SRE are not directly related, it is possible to incorporate SRE principles and practices within a Scrum framework. Here are a few ways SRE can be integrated into Scrum :

1. SRE as a Scrum Team Member : In a Scrum team, an SRE engineer can be part of the development team, contributing their expertise in building and operating reliable systems. They collaborate with other team members, participate in sprint planning, and work on implementing SRE practices within the product development process.

2. Setting SRE Goals as Part of Sprint Planning : During sprint planning, the Scrum team can define specific SRE goals or tasks to be accomplished during the sprint. This could include activities such as improving monitoring, implementing automated deployment processes, or conducting reliability testing.

3. SRE as a Product Backlog Item : SRE-related tasks or user stories can be added to the product backlog. These could include items like enhancing system resilience, reducing mean time to detect incidents, or implementing incident response automation. The product owner, in collaboration with the team, can prioritize and plan the inclusion of SRE tasks in the sprint.

4. SRE Metrics and Feedback : SRE principles emphasize the importance of measuring and monitoring system performance and reliability. Scrum teams can incorporate SRE metrics, such as service level indicators (SLIs) and service level objectives (SLOs), into their sprint reviews and retrospectives. This helps the team gain insights into the reliability of the system and identify areas for improvement.