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Scala - Interview Questions
What is Scala's type inference? How does it work?
Scala's type inference is a feature that allows the compiler to automatically deduce the types of expressions and variables based on their usage in the code, without requiring explicit type annotations. It helps reduce the verbosity of code by eliminating the need for repetitive type declarations while still providing static type safety.

Scala's type inference works by analyzing the structure of the code and using the information available to infer the types of expressions and variables. Here are a few key points about how Scala's type inference works:

1. Local Type Inference : Scala's type inference is local, meaning it analyzes each expression or variable declaration individually, rather than inferring types across the entire program. This local reasoning allows for greater flexibility and more precise type inference.

2. Bottom-Up Approach : The type inference process starts from the expressions and variables whose types are explicitly specified or known, such as method return types, function arguments, or explicitly annotated variables. The compiler uses this information to propagate type information throughout the code.

3. Constraint Solving : In some cases, the type inference process involves solving type constraints. When the compiler encounters an expression with unknown types, it collects constraints based on the operations used in the expression. It then tries to find a set of type assignments that satisfy all the constraints. If a unique solution exists, the inferred types are used; otherwise, a compilation error occurs.

4. Contextual Information : Scala's type inference heavily relies on contextual information provided by the surrounding code. For example, if a variable is assigned to an expression of a specific type, the type of that variable is inferred to be the same as the expression. Similarly, if a method is called with arguments of known types, the return type of the method can be inferred.

5. Type Widening and Narrowing : Scala's type inference incorporates type widening and narrowing to handle cases where a more general or specific type is required. Type widening occurs when a more specific type is widened to a more general type to satisfy type constraints. Type narrowing happens when the compiler can deduce a more specific type based on the context in which an expression is used.

6. Type Inference Annotations : While Scala's type inference is powerful, there may be cases where explicit type annotations are necessary or desired for clarity or to aid the compiler in resolving ambiguous situations. In such cases, developers can provide type annotations to override the inferred types.

Scala's type inference enables developers to write expressive and concise code without sacrificing type safety. It reduces the need for explicit type annotations, allowing developers to focus more on the logic and readability of their code. However, it's important to strike a balance and use type annotations when necessary to enhance code clarity and readability, especially in complex scenarios.