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What is SketchRnn in ml5.js?
SketchRNN is a recurrent neural network model trained on millions of doodles collected from the Quick, Draw! game. The SketchRNN model can create new drawings (from a list of categories) based on an initial path.
Quickstart :
// Create a new SketchRNN Instance
const model = ml5.sketchRNN('cat', modelReady);

// When the model is loaded
function modelReady() {
  console.log('SketchRNN Model Loaded!');
// Reset the model's current stat
// Generate a new stroke

function gotSketch(err, result) {
  // Do something with the result
Usage :

* Initialize :
const sketchrnn = ml5.sketchRNN(model, ?callback);
* Parameters :

* model : The name of the model to use.

* callback : Optional. A function to be called once the model is loaded. If no callback is provided, it will return a promise that will be resolved once the model has loaded.