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Snowflake - Interview Questions
What is Snowflake?
Snowflake is a cloud computing–based data cloud company based in data warehouse(DWH) provided as a software-as-a-service (SaaS). It consists of unique architecture to handle multiple aspects of data and analytics. Snowflake sets itself apart from all other traditional data warehouse solutions with advanced capabilities like improved performance, simplicity, high concurrency and cost-effectiveness.
Snowflake is based data warehouse (DWH) platform that is built on the top of AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud infrastructures to provide companies with flexible, scalable storage solutions while also hosting BI (Business Intelligence) solutions.
Snowflake Inc. was founded in July 2012 in San Mateo, California by three data warehousing experts: Benoit Dageville, Thierry Cruanes and Marcin Żukowski. It was publicly launched in October 2014 after two years in stealth mode.