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What is Translation Component in Phalcon?
The component Phalcon\Translate offers multilingual capabilities to applications. This component allows you to display content in different languages, based on the user’s choice of language, available by the application.
Usage : Introducing translations in your application is a relatively simple task. However no two implementations are the same and of course the implementation will depend on the needs of your application. Some of the options available can be an automatic detection of the visitor’s language using the server headers (parsing the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE contents or using the getBestLanguage() method of the Phalcon\Http\Request object).
use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;
use Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray;
use Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory;
use Phalcon\Translate\TranslateFactory;

 * @property Phalcon\Http\Request $request
 * @property Phalcon\Mvc\View     $view
class UserController extends Controller

    public function indexAction()
        $this->view->name = 'Mike';
        $this->view->t    = $this->getTranslator();
     * @return NativeArray
    private function getTranslator(): NativeArray
        // Ask browser what is the best language
        $language = $this->request->getBestLanguage();
        $messages = [];
        $translationFile = 'app/messages/' . $language . '.php';

        if (true !== file_exists($translationFile)) {
            $translationFile = 'app/messages/en.php';
        require $translationFile;

        $interpolator = new InterpolatorFactory();
        $factory      = new TranslateFactory($interpolator);
        return $factory->newInstance(
                'content' => $messages,
The getTranslator() method is available in the controller for all actions that require it. You could of course introduce a caching mechanism to store the translation adapter in your cache (based on the language selected i.e. en.cache, de-cache etc.)