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Unity - Interview Questions
What is Unity XR Tech stack?
Unity XR Tech stack is a collection of technologies and tools provided by Unity to enable the development of immersive and interactive experiences for virtual and augmented reality.

The XR Tech stack includes a range of features and services that allow developers to build and deploy XR applications across a variety of platforms and devices.

Some of the key components of the Unity XR Tech stack include :

* Unity XR SDK : This is a set of APIs that allow developers to build and integrate XR features into their Unity projects. The XR SDK provides support for a variety of platforms, such as Oculus, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality.

* Unity XR Input System : This is a flexible and extensible system for handling user input in XR applications. It allows developers to create input mappings for a wide range of input devices and customize them to suit their specific needs.

* Unity XR Plugin Framework : This is a framework that enables the development of custom XR plugins for Unity. It allows developers to extend the functionality of Unity's built-in XR features and add support for new devices and platforms.

* Unity XR Interaction Toolkit : This is a set of components and tools that enable the creation of interactive XR experiences. It includes features such as locomotion, object grabbing and throwing, and teleportation.

* Unity XR Foundation : This is a set of core services and utilities that provide a foundation for building XR applications. It includes features such as spatial mapping, spatial audio, and 3D scanning.