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p5.js - Interview Questions
What is Variable Scope in p5.js?
Variables have a global or function "scope". For example, variables declared within either the setup() or draw() functions may be only used in these functions. Global variables, variables declared outside of setup() and draw(), may be used anywhere within the program. If a function variable is declared with the same name as a global variable, the program will use the function variable to make its calculations within the current scope.

Variaable Scope
let a = 80; // Create a global variable "a"

function setup() {
  createCanvas(720, 400);

function draw() {
  // Draw a line using the global variable "a"
  line(a, 0, a, height);

  // Use a local variable a in for loop
  for (let a = 120; a < 200; a += 3) {
    line(a, 0, a, height);

  // Make a call to the custom function drawAnotherLine()

  // Make a call to the custom function drawYetAnotherLine()

function drawAnotherLine() {
  // Create a new variable "a" local to this function
  let a = 320;
  // Draw a line using the local variable "a"
  line(a, 0, a, height);

function drawYetAnotherLine() {
  // Because no new local variable "a" is set,
  // this line draws using the original global
  // variable "a" which is set to the value 20.
  line(a + 3, 0, a + 3, height);